I am back blogging here

Hi! I am back here on this blog site.

Well, I have built my website about a year ago which was a big thing and I moved all the blog there too. I tried but found really difficult to connect this space to there just because I am not an IT person!

Then suddenly I found the way a few days ago. Just one button I needed to click…

So I will be blogging here and automatically(If I don’t forget) make it appear on the website too.

If you haven’t followed what I was up to this year, here is the round up. Actually, not many quilts were made but that’s alright.

This one was made for the group exhibition with Irish Patchwork Society in the South Africa. Theme was “thread connect“.

Also with Irish Patchwork Society, “There is always one” quilt. Well, there is always one Bargello quilt in an quilt exhibition.

This one is made for the joint exhibition with IPS and Northern Irish Patchwork Guild and the theme was “Ruby serendipity“.

Also the group exhibition but with much wider group. You can read the long story here. And it’s traveling the world with others I believe.

I took a workshop with Lorraine Turner to learn fabric collage and thread painting and this wolf is the result.

Only done two challenge this year. One is this mini quilt with theme of “Well said“. This letter means tears.

And “Black and White” quilt. This one was really fun to make!

Two quilts are made for a charity. One king size and other baby. Hmm I didn’t write about the baby one. Both are sold to raise a fund for Sari Bari.

And one double size quilt was made out from a sample block. This one needs a good bed to be spread on! Let me know if you are interested!

That’s about it for this year. Hopefully I have more quilts to talk about next year!