
It’s been a very long time since I wrote the last blog post. More than three months!

I have been teaching here and there, quilting for someone and occasionally sewing and quilting my own things.

And time flew. And it’s time to talk about summer. That means Tinahely Show!

The Tinahely show is an agriculture show. It is held on the August Bank Holiday which is the 5th of August this year. There is a lot of competition going on there from agriculture, art, and the home industry. All the age groups are involved to have a great time in the big field in Tinahely, Co. Wicklow.

They are also hosting a quilt marquee. Dear Evelyn Shannon started a long ago and it’s been a very important quilt event in Ireland.

So, what is a quilt marquee? It’s a very large marquee full of quilts from all over Ireland. We call it ‘all Ireland quilt competition‘ but it’s more of the Irish quilt gathering with more than 100 quilts from Limerick, Sligo, Dublin, Cork, Wicklow and many other counties!

And we celebrate great quilt creations in Ireland on that day by showing off to a very large crowd.

Yes, it’s a competition because we want to encourage quilters to polish their skill. But more importantly, we create awareness of what quilts are and what they look like by showing them at the Tinahely Show. Because non-quilters don’t know there are so many styles and possibilities quilts have and how beautiful they are.

It’s great to show what we love and make! And we hope some quilts inspire someone to start sewing!

To make it happen, We need your quilts. Quilts you completed within the last 12 months.

They don’t need to be original designs. They can be made from some pattern from a book or magazine. They can be from kits or workshops. They can be quilted professionally. And of course those beautiful traditional quilts. All are welcome!

The only rule we have is that quilts are made by entrants and finished within the last 12 month-ish. It’s a great excuse to finish the one you started many years ago!

Were they gifted to someone already? Can we borrow for a few weeks to impress more people? You are already using one. No problem to send it in. Just add a hanging sleeve so we can show and admire them properly. You are a bit afraid? Bring your quilting friends to join the fun!

Also, this is a great opportunity to hear from experts about your quilting skills. We have two quilt judges who know everything about quilts and give you great feedback if you want. If you are just starting and made a couple of quilts or getting a little bit more confident, this is a great place to see how you are doing.

Do you think you will be coming? Interested a bit?

You can find all the details and rules through the link below.

Quilt Marquee at Tinahely Show

If you want to hear updates through social media, follow us on Facebook or Instagram.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

2 thoughts on “Hello!

  1. I was just thinking of you, and then this popped up. That looks like a wonderful show to take part in. I think shows here in my area have become more and more restrictive and some only seem to take teachers who belong to the group running the show.

    • Hi Julie, I am so happy to hear from you. Hope all are well. We don’t have much of place to show quilts in Ireland yet. And this one is just for one day which is a pity. There has been a lot of Irish visiting Japan to see quilts and crafts. I can only envy them

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